It was so funny when I pulled out the pictures of our wedding day and was looking at them, I noticed that the lace edge on the tablecloth is very similar to that of my wedding dress. I have always loved hearts, so yes my wedding day would have been on February 14th had it been a weekend, however when we were married it was not, so we chose February 18th. I found this tablecloth last summer at Tuesday Morning and just picked it up with no specific use in mind. On it I placed a square topper that I picked up last September at the annual Fair on the Square in Huntsville. I had no idea it would be used together, but I so love them together, very romantic to this romantic at heart.
The chargers are a birthday present from my precious daughter last year, they really help to make this table extra special. She is such a thoughtful person, I love that about her. She found them at Horchow on one of her google searches. Lucky me right?
I guess I am a hopeless romantic at heart, because when I saw this china by Mikasa called Love Story, I knew it was for us. I decided that I wanted Love Story to be the china I use each year to set a table just for him and I. The luster of this china is so deep that it just glows like a blushing bride. Of course it was the hearts that drew me in initially as well as the name, got to love that name.
The flatware I chose, well that is another story. I was at a local antique shop browsing, when I stopped and looked in a case at a collection of antique flatware. One in particular caught my attention, I asked to see a piece, of course it was covered in tarnish, but the pattern was so me and simply beautiful. The man told me the name of the pattern was 1937 International 1847 Rogers Bros. First Love. Well of course the angels sang and light shown down from heaven. Divine sign? This should be mine right? I mean after all I had married my first love. I was ready to open my wallet and buy it on the spot, but his pricing was by the piece and my first love and I would have been on a bean and water diet for a while if I had bought it. So what does any smart collector do? Make a mad dash home and hit ebay like a fat kid hitting a dessert bar! Needless to say, the antique stores pricing was way out of line and I was able to collect a great collection of this pattern at a smidgen of the price I almost paid. I love this pattern, and another great bonus for this sentimental heart of mine, when I pass this on to my daughter, the name will have a special meaning to her as well, as she just married her first love on New Year's Eve.
My gosh, can I tell you how cool it is when you start putting a table together, and you think to yourself 'I know I have some awesome goblets that would really be perfect for this' and you pilfer around and yes there they are. I bought these pink goblets many many moons ago at either TJ Maxx or Home Goods for no other reason than their color, I cannot resist pink. The pink goblets with the Mikasa Love Story iced beverage glasses look amazing together.
It is really a simple table for two, with Love Story candle sticks in the center with some flowers that I found on clearance at Michael's that are very similar to mine from my wedding day. A Love Story vase with more flowers, and I surrounded it all with more candles in various heights just to add lots of candle light and to add a little more of that pink color. Additional items were added that I thought might finish it off. I was so excited a while back when I received a email from Mikasa with some new pieces to the Italian Countryside pattern, and one of them was the cake pedestal. I snatched it up along with some of its closest friends!
I was in Hobby Lobby looking around and saw these cute letters and liked all the raised detail in them and as I was standing there I thought to myself this would look really great on the counter for our anniversary...but I didn't do our names, I kinda put a twist on it. What do you think? Sweet right?
I also took this footed jar, and tied some lace around it and placed a tag on it that reads 'Remember this. Things I love about you'. I cut slips of pretty pink papers and wrote things that I love about my fella and placed them in the jar along with some on the little wedding cake. Some of them were funny, like 'I love that you kill bugs for me' and others were more serious such as 'I love that you are an honorable man'. This was really fun to do, and he seemed to like it, of course I think everyone likes to hear praise and to know that they are appreciated.
I think with all the wedding whirlwind we have been in this past year, it made me want to create a special table for us to remember our special day. I even included our toasting goblets from our wedding. Yes they are tarnished, I worked on them, but I will probably have to seek some advice or help on getting them up to snuff.
Hearts...yes I am a sucker. Was back then and obviously still am! This is our first smooch, and I remember being embarrassed about kissing in a church in front of everyone. Oh that was a long time ago! Our special song on our wedding day was Endless Love and my daughter was really sweet and had the song played at her wedding so my husband and I could have a special dance. So I made sure to add our wedding date and the words 'my endless love' in the other side of the frame.
I added one more item to the house as a reminder of that special day, I painted this wedding book right after we were married, and thought it would be nice to pull it out and enjoy it again.
I am not sure if that boy on that playground all those years ago knew what was in store for him, but I am certain that God made this boy just for me and I would still pick him!
Hope you enjoyed a look at this tablescape, and please leave me a comment to let me know you stopped by!
I am joining Susan for:
Donna ... so sweet and loving; I have tears in my eyes. I know you really mean everything you say and doing this is so special. I hope you do it every year. The celebration is as special as the table and other decorations.
Love you my friend.
Audrey Z.
Again You hit it just right. You tell the story without words. You are a Very talented Lady. As for the tarish goblets, leave them be, for they are just as you are still beautiful with a little extra class. It is a symbol of time and they will still be beautiful when your grandkids get old. Love the table and but can't wait to see the next table. May you have another 128 years together with your old gezzer (aka stud muffin)and that Kendell and Grant share the perfection of life that You and Mark have.
Always inspired by you.
Ms Kathie (aka dishgal)
May have to give up my aka name to you because you are sure are more than a gopher, you are the very best dishgal I know.
Oh my gosh what a beautiful and sentimental and wonderful post.
I think it is so endearing.
Mayyou both continue to live happy and healthy lives together. What a sweet love story!!!
Life changes just as seasons change throughout the year as do our house and tablescapes. Your love is constant and without change, solid and srong as the foundation of our home. I still choose you. Great Job! My favorite part is not the setting but the jar of love notes. Love me Always, Mark
Sweet, sweet Donna. What a beautiful post! I love it when there is a story behind the pieces collected, when there is history. Your husband will never forget that you did this to honor the vows you took 28 years ago. Nor will your daughter forget how you have honored her father in this way. Tablescaping is a fun hobby and a great way to meet new friends, but when it is used to pay homage to those we is priceless. Well done, my dear friend. Well done!
Your table is a garden--soft as a kiss, refreshing as spring rain. From the delicate floral tablecloth to the monogrammed dishes to the pink glassware, your table tells a story of love and hope.
Donna - we are kindred spirits! My husband still tells people he picked me to be his wife, when he saw me playing on the playground! We have been married for 44 years this month. I love this post - your husband is a lucky man to have such a caring wife. P. S. That tablecloth is great!
I'm so happy to have found this post at BNOTP. I love every single bit of it, from the love story of THEN to the love story of NOW. I can't believe you found a silver pattern called First Love. How much more perfect can it be? Everything about this table is so much my taste, from the place setting (love those chargers!) right on up.
Beautiful, romantic table. I love the pink stemware, so pretty.
Your tablescape is so romantic. Congratulations on 28 years of marriage. The china pattern is fabulous and every photo is so filled with wonderful sentiments. My sweetheart and I have been married for over 51 years. In fact--our anniversary post was the top favorite until this last month. Thanks for visiting My Cozy Corner.
That is so sweet! I love your comment about God making your husband just for you because I feel exactly the same way about my husband. We didn't meet until after my junior year of high school but realized later our paths had actually crossed two times earlier in life. I really like your "Love Story" china. I've never seen this pattern before. It has such timeless appeal because it looks so modern to me. You did such a beautiful job on this setting. It's a gorgeous tablescape! Happy Anniversary!
What a perfect anniversary table! No detail has been overlooked. Thanks for your kind comments on my blog.
so so pretty! I love all your details and that flatware is so pretty! I too hope we don't have a drought this year!!
So many pretty elements on your table! I love all of the soft colors, very romantic!
XO Cindy
This was the nicest post and made me realize that sometimes we forget how lucky we are. We just celebrated 37 years and I rarely think about our made me take a look back! Your table is beautiful. I love the story of the flatware...I can't believe you knew at 12 he was "the one" but how wonderful for you both. Happy Belated Anniversary!
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